Answer: While the French Revolution produced changes within the borders of France, the Latin American Wars of Independence established independent countries throughout large portions of South America, including Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Peru and Chile.
nomads are people who moved from one place to another depending on the weather, food, etc. bipedal are animals who are able to walk with 2 legs. hunters and gatherers preceeded nomads and decided to settle in one place instead of moving around periodically. tool makers makes tool I guess.
Answer: The law allowed no more immigration from European nations.
Explanation: The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965 abolished a prior quota system dependent on national origin and built up another movement strategy dependent on rejoining migrant families and pulling in skilled labor to the United States.
Throughout the following four decades, the policies put into impact in 1965 would enormously change the demographic makeup of the American populace, as settlers entering the United States under the new enactment came progressively from nations like Asia, Africa and Latin America, rather than Europe.