Systematic separation of the circulation of the blood. The right side of the heart receives oxygen-poor blood from your body and pumps it to the lungs. The lungs oxygenate the blood which returns to the heart and is pumped to the rest of the body by the left side of the heart. After which the blood returns to the right side, completing the cycle of circulation.
Euhaline ⇒ Polyhaline ⇒ Mesohaline ⇒ Oligohaline
Let's first define each of these levels:
- Polyhaline: a category of salinity that has medium-high levels of salt
- Mesohaline: a category of salinity that has medium levels of salt
- Oligohaline: a category of salinity that has low levels of salt
- Euthaline: a category of salinity that has high levels of salt
Now, we can order these in decreasing order of salinity:
Euhaline ⇒ Polyhaline ⇒ Mesohaline ⇒ Oligohaline
Housing development and shopping mall
housing development and shopping mall may cause wildlife habitats destroyed. also the land being destroyed is not unenvironmetally friendly
There are numerous advantages and disadvantages that selective breeding has on food crops. A few of the advantages are; the creation of high quality products, provides a sustainable food chain, eliminates disease and creates new varieties of food crops. A few disadvantages of selective breeding on food crops are; no control over genetic mutations, brings discomfort to animals, creates offspring with different traits, and poses some environmental risks.