Everyone was so focused on the things that were being done and the new things like cars.
The ocean was first mapped by Abraham Ortelius; he called it Maris Pacifici following Ferdinand Magellan's description of it as "a pacific sea" during his circumnavigation from 1519 to 1522. To Magellan, it seemed much more calm (pacific) than the Atlantic.
Well there is no advantages of working harder if your are not working smart because even if you work hard but you don't know if its correct will be just a waste of time, thats why work smarter not harder.
1. The asnwer is C. growth of trade fairsThe growth of trade fairs improve their trading relations with other societies.This opened up a path for them to obtain various new resources and exchanging otherthings such as arts and knowledge with other society
2. the answer D. Noblemen on whose land the town was built The artisant guilds will always be focused creating their artworks. The Merchant guilds were indeed played a huge role in bringing the wealth, but they usually do not build the town infrastructure. Wealthy Cathedral or bishops were usually crooked.
3. The answer is A. Women were able to join and even run guildsThe growth of manufacturing shifted the guilds' maine economy from agricultural and mining sector. In the past, both of these sectors relied on physical strength which women do not have. After the improvement in manufactur, women now could compete.
4. The answer is C. The Roman Catholic Church centralized authority in the pope, while the Eastern Orthodox Church shared power between the emperor and the patriarch.The roman catholic church was known to be really conservative in their religion and tend to not involved in Governmental process. The Eastern orthodox church on the other hand was heavily involved and held a pretty important posiition in the Government.
5. The answer to this question is B. Using credit instead of cash became more common in business
Since there is difference in currency, it's really hard to do a transaction with hard cash because it's kinda complicated to convert it. As a solution for this, they use Credit cards, so the credit card company was the one who handle the conversion.
6. The answer is B. Many medieval Christians were suspicious of Jewish culture and practices
The Christians Used the new testament on the bible and the Jews used the old testament. So, there are several things that banned by the Jewish teaching that techincally allowed in the new testament, which become the source of conflict/suspicion
About 5 percent Im pretty sure