Wool is warm, but synthetic fibers are more water resistant.
This sentence is correct.
If your school is using the Scripps National Spelling Bee program, (which most schools in America do), try going on their website. All the practice words are on there. Go to spellingbee.com. Also, you can take those words and put them on Quizlet and make your own flashcards. Hope this helped!
I believe this quote means that fear is such a primal instinct, that even at the best of times, it can take over any good that we were feeling in a second. Fear often makes people react in ways that they normally wouldn't react, it makes people a shell of who they once were, ether it be for a brief moment, or for years of emotional turmoil. We never know how fear will affect a person, this is where the phrase "fight or flight" comes in.
Percy feels ashamed and offended that his favorite instructor thinks he's a kooky oddball, or at least that's how he sees the concept of being out of the ordinary. Percy and Grover say their goodbyes to Yancy and board a Greyhound bus back to New York City. Grover is acting strangely on the bus, nervously gazing around him.