Ancestors can be described as the persons from which a particular human being originated. In a broader perspective, it is referred to family history of a person. Scientists believe that all organisms on Earth originated from a common ancestor which were the prokaryotes. The prokaryotes with time gave rise to the eukaryotes. Common descent is the phenomenon in which organisms having common ancestors are referred.
The examples of species changing over time are statements A, C, and D.
All these changes, such as new types of squash was developed in the garden. weeds evolution to resist chemicals, and the changes in butterflies wing pattern over the years is because of Mutation. Obviously, rabbit's ears are always bigger than mice and Giraffe's neck is always longer than the deer's. In genetics, mutation is the process of permanent alternation of the nucleotide sequence in DNAs.
Infected cells create and release small proteins known as interferons, which help the immune system fight viruses. Interferons stop viruses from replicating by interfering with their ability to multiply within infected cells.