The grown would be wet and if the river over flowed it would take you house out with it
They don't need Gas.
They run on electricity
The electricity is stored in batteries
Electric cars still need regular break fluid changes
option D
The correct Answer is option D
Large number of people participating in physical activity shows that growing interest among the people to take part in physical activity.
Explosion of career opportunity for college trained professionals encourage people to choose the sport as a career and the people will voluntary opt for it.
Growing popularity of program related to physical activity in the college is the clear example of growing interest in physical activity
Racism is a mentality. It is where a group of people use the race of another group as an excuse to treat them inferior. In many causes, it starts with one race separating a heinous act that a part of another race does and then apply it to the entire race as a whole. The problem with reducing racism to the actions and thoughts of people is we miss the big picture. Most people try to be good and fit in with society; however, some people can't do this because they don't understand why what they do/think is not socially acceptable. These people often think that they are in the right and those opposing them are in the wrong. A good example of this is the enslavement of Africans. There is a passage in the Bible that refers to Ham, the son of Noah, acting out against his father, and in return his skin gets blemished or darkened making him inferior and showing the crime he did against his father. This was the main excuse for enslavement of those with darker skin for generations, and if it was in their most sacred book, how could it possibly be wrong?
Near the epicenter
I believe it is the epicenter because the epicenter is the point on the Earths surface directly above where a fault begins to rupture, thus causing the most damage. Although it sometimes is the area farther away. If it is a larger occurance the area farther away would be damaged more.