Gas: when the water has evaporated and is now out in the air. Water molecules move super fast during this stage.
Liquid: Water molecules have a good amount of space to move around, but they aren’t traveling as fast as they do in the gastric state.
Solid: ice in other words, the water molecules are super tight and compact, but are still moving around, just not very fast.
The blood cells likely placed in a "hypotonic solution".
<u>Option: A</u>
When human blood cells are immersed in a solution with a low concentration of solute than is present in cells, osmosis allows water to pass through the cells, allowing the cells to get swollen; such a fluid is hypotonic to the cells. But when held in a solution with a greater concentration of solute, osmosis allows water to pass out of the cell, the cell is smaller and crenated in form; then a solution is hypertonic to the cells.
Healthcare facilities preserve human blood cells in a plasma solution that has the proper salt and protein ratios. Such solution is formulated to be mildly hypertonic to the red cells, thus maintaining the integrity of the cells and avoiding hemolysis.
In humans, one feedback mechanism is to either sweat or shiver, depending on the body temperature. Sweating helps lower the body's temperature, and shivering helps raise the body's temperature.
The organelle described above is called the endoplasmic reticulum.
The rough portion of this called the granulated endoplasmic reticulum and the ribosomes attached to it enable it to produce proteins.
The smooth portion of this organelle does not contain ribosomes and it has a role in the synthesis of lipids.
Lipids are broken down by lipase, with the assistance of bile for emulsifying and providing optimum pH for the enzyme