It depends on your Divisor, Product, or Value. There is just not a gaven value for X or X=0
- the definition needs to restrict all of the points to a plane
Step-by-step explanation:
In 3-dimensional Euclidean space, a sphere is the set of all points the same distance from a given point. The given definition of a circle only applies when the given point and the solution set are in the same plane, and the geometry is Euclidean.
Therefore the period of the sinusoidal wave = 3.14.
The amplitude of the function = 2.
Step-by-step explanation:
The period of a sinusiodal wave is given by the length of x axis which covers one full cycle of the wave, which one positive half-cycle and one negative half cycle.
From the graph we can see that one of the cycles starts at -3.14 / 4 and ends at 3.14
Therefore we can sutract the start point value from the end point value to get the period
Therefore period = (3.14
3/4) - (-3.14 / 4) = (3.14
3/4) + (3.14 / 4) = 3.14
Therefore the period of the sinusoidal wave = 3.14.
The amplitude of the function = 2.
Step-by-step explanation: