Indentured servants, and then slaves.
They promised tax cuts for small businesses, social security reform and more limit on the term of lawmakers.
The Contract with America was a plan established by the Republican party in 1994, during the presidential election. In this plan, Republicans made a series of promises that would be fulfilled if the Republican candidate won the election. For Republicans, these promises would bring about highly beneficial changes for America and strengthen accountability between Republicans and voters. Among the many promises, the most promising were lowering taxes for small businesses, creating limits for legislators, and reforming social security.
The Natchez Indians. The Natchez Indians were among the last American Indian groups to inhabit the area now known as southwestern Mississippi. Archaeological evidence indicates that the Natchez Indian culture began as early as A.D. 700 and lasted until the 1730s when the tribe was dispersed in a war with the French.
(Sorry if this doesn't help...)
They countered it because they ruined the land in every way possible which made it hard even for their allies from South Vietnam to support them. Napalm just burnt down forests and habituated areas and harmed a lot of civilians directly, while things such as agent orange destroyed the environment and poisoned the ground, the waters, the food, and basically anything else. It caused much more harm to the people than it did to help them.