Members of phylum Porifera are commonly known as spongs. They are generally marine and mostly asymmetrical animals. These are primitive multicellular animals and have cellular level of organization (lacks tissues). These Organisms (belonging to phylum Porifera) lacks most of the structures that are present in multicellular organisms like digestive system, respiratory system, Brain etc
Body of Spongs are made up of spicules or spongin fibers and these organism contain a water canal system which helps them in digestion, reproduction and catching their food in marine habitat.
(-) sense single-stranded RNA
Negative sense refers to viruses that use the negative sense single stranded RNA as their genetic material.
It is essential for the negative viral strand is complimentary to the mRNA so it is converted to a positive RNA by RNA polymerase.
Negative sense single stranded RNA virus require an RNA dependent RNA polymerase for transcription. This is because it essential in encoding proteins by catalyzing the complimentary RNA strand to the given RNA tempelate.
Answer: naomi, who is not breathing and whose heart is not beating
A person is considered clinically dead if their blood circulation and breathing is stopped because those two is needed to sustain live. Notice that the diagnosis need both of them, so only one of them is not enough. Helga and John has no problem in breathing and circulation, so they wont be considered clinically dead.
✯ Synapse is the gap between neurons that ensures that information travels in one direction only.
Therefore, the 2nd statement [B] is correct.
<u>Addit</u><u>ional</u><u> </u><u>Inf</u><u>ormation</u><u>:</u><u>-</u></h3>
A Synapse is a small gap at the end of a neuron that allows a signal to pass from one neuron to the next. Synapses are found where nerve cells connect with other nerve cells. Synapses are the key to the brain's function.
The term synapse was first introduced in 1897 by Michael Foster in his "Textbook of Physiology" and derived from the Greek synapsis, meaning "conjunction."