He is obsessed with the ring, like many others before him, he did not like the party or the people that much and thought about his ring which is why he often used it when he wanted to leave.
Considering that everyone knew Bilbo and was accustomed to his wild stories of adventuring, they tend to believed that it was just another one of Bilbo's tricks, even though it was a bit awkward for them that he disappeared in such a manner.
Bilbo had the ring for years in which he used it only when he needed it since he can never separated himself from it.
He is obsessed with the ring, like many others before him, he did not like the party or the people that much and thought about his ring which is why he often used it when he wanted to leave.
Considering that everyone knew Bilbo and was accustomed to his wild stories of adventuring, they tend to believed that it was just another one of Bilbo's tricks, even though it was a bit awkward for them that he disappeared in such a manner.
Se pega 03:00 i think i could be wrong
where are answers
where are the answers can't see them
His confidence is transformed by the crowd’s response.
Scotty is described as being a "quavering husk...just moments before." This shows his lack of confidence and anxiety about being on stage. Once the crowd's enthusiasm and excitement for his performance reached him, it is described as "lifting him off his stool...unleashing something strong, charismatic, and fierce." This change in his demeanor shows his confidence grow in response the crowd.