Those who are so concerned about getting an exact answer for this question fail to realize what you just said. The reason that there isn’t an exact answer is because the language is so fluid and flexible. It’s what makes English such a fun language. If everything was limited to set rules that couldn’t be broken or played with, English would be such a boring language. Be happy that there isn’t an exact answer for how many sentences are there in a paragraph because if there was an exact answer, English would be a lot more boring overall.
What does that mean a three sentence writing
My teacher says that paragraphs have to be 5 or more sentences for my essay in 9th grade. Is this legal?
A teacher can require you do do whatever he/she wants. That doesn’t mean that’s the only way to do it, but you’ll get marked down for not following the instructions correctly. You’d best follow the teacher’s instructions.
I’m surprised people can get so worked up about a topic that doesn’t have an exact answer. If you need to have an exact answer for everything in life, you’re going to have a hard time. The number of sentences will be different for each person. Nobody writes the same way. And if you write one sentence or ten sentences, neither is wrong.
This is exactly what I was thinking. It’s hilarious that people are getting worked up about how many sentences should be in a paragraph. In the scheme of things, this doesn’t even rate a blip on the radar. Write ans many sentences as you want as long as you can justify why you wrote that many to your professor.
I try to write a minimum of five sentences per paragraph. I’m not always able to do that depending on what I’m writing, but I think that’s a good goal especially when you’re writing essays for school work. I think by having a goal you end up writing better, but you need to understand that the goal can be broken in certain circumstances. I’m not sure if that will help anybody who comes across this article, but that’s what I do when it comes to paragraphs.
This is good information to know. My question is, does it really matter how long each sentence is within the paragraph? For example, if I write eight sentences, but each sentence is only three or four words long, do I need to extend the paragraph so that maybe it has 12 to 14 sentences? On the other hand, if I write long sentences such as 10 to 12 words each, can I get away with only four sentences in the paragraph? Does the length of the sentence matter at all or is this something that I shouldn’t be worried about with my writing?
No! You should separate the paragraphs when there is a change of topic, not based on the number of sentences or the sentence length. If you did it like that, the paragraphs would be quite difficult to read and the flow would be terrible.
These our general rules. Don’t focus on them as much his writing well. That’s really what it all comes down to. If you take the time to write well, it’s not going to matter how many sentences are in each paragraph. If you don’t write well, the number of sentences that you have in each paragraph may be an issue along with a lot of other things. Just write the best that you can and you should be okay.