Because people will be taking the money from the Government, then that results in taking money away from the economies.
Because of this alliance, Germany and Italy were called the Axis Powers. EX: During this time, Great Britain and France did little to stop him, choosing instead to follow a policy of appeasement. EX: By signing the Munich Pact in September 1938, he acquired the Sudetenland, a German-speaking region of Czechoslovakia.
A) A Great Economic Depression.
The Great Depression did not occur until after World War II, and was one of the reasons that World War II occurred in the European theater.
A portion of the impacts of Imperialism on the nations of Southeast Asia
were the exchange of a lot of riches out of the district, a moving of
the locale's work concentrate far from horticulture to the generation of
item fares and the region's once in the past independent economy
winding up plainly perilously powerless against moving overall cost and
request variances. A large number of Southeast Asian lives were adjusted
by the financial and ecological changes that occurred accordingly of
the regular asset and creature life adjusts that were revised and
annoyed with the broad pilgrim ventures occurring in the area.