The Code of Justinian (in Latin language, Codex Iustinianus) is a compilation of imperial constitutions promulgated by Emperor Justinian, in a first version, on April 7, 529, and in a second, on November 17, 534.
The "first" Code of Justinian was the first work developed within the compilation process of Justinian Roman law. This work has not been conserved, except for a fragment of the index. It was prepared by a commission of jurists, presided over by Triboniano, beginning its work in February of 528. The commissioners had to compile the imperial constitutions in force at the time, being able to use previous works like the Theodosian Code of the year 438, of official character, and the Gregorian Code of 293 and the Hermogenian (291-323 AD), private. With the promulgation of this code the previous ones were left without effect.
This right served to make many current civil codes.