Although Williams usually wrote with particular readers in mind, his themes and subjects have universal relevance and can still reward readers today. Williams tells us that he intended A Key "specially for my friends residing in those parts." In other words, he wants to instruct fellow missionaries and traders how to interact with his other friends, the Indians. He is determined to dispel the stereotypes and false conceptions of them as subhuman savages current in the early colonies. Images of the Indians in writings from Williams's contemporaries and earlier explorers should provide students with a clear sense of the audience, their assumptions, and their needs. Williams has much to say still about interracial understanding, respect, and harmony. Moreover, his observations are still keen insights into human nature.
Are you asking for any quote from the book or?
Alliteration: "<span> as the scoriac Rivers that Roll— As the lavas that Restlessly Roll" (the 'r' sound is being repeated at the beginnings of words)
assonance: "</span><span>In the ultimate climes of the pOle— That grOan as they rOll dOwn MOunt Yaanek In the realms of the bOreal pOle" (the vowel sound "o" is repeated throughout the words)
consonance: "o</span><span>f CypreSS, with PSyche, my Soul" (the consonant "s" sound is repeated at the beginning and ends of words)
These sound devices have a sing-songy effect on the poem which helps create the mystical and mysterious mood. It almost lulls the reader into a type of trance through the memory of the narrator.
imagery: "</span><span>As the lavas that restlessly roll Their sulphurous currents down Yaanek"
This strong imagery helps to bring the memories to life for the reader and helps the reader relate to the mindset and the emotions of the narrator by providing images to compare them to. Comparing his heart bursting to the way lava flows down the side of a mountain creates a strong image.
To be honest they all are great choices but personally I would suggest answer C.
Hope this helps.