Yes, it is merely human nature. No matter what, we always make assumptions about people, whether it be on their looks, the way they act, etc. That is merely human nature. However, that does not make it right. Based on today's principles, it is considered immoral to make assumptions on people based on things about them. But like I said before, it is still human nature, just human nature we tend to try and avoid.
Simile: The birthday party ended and the unhappy child was still screaming like a banshee.
Metaphor: The birthday party ended, but the child was still a banshee.
Cassius: Jealous of Caesar and does not like him in any way fashion or form. He believes Caesar is not worthy of praise and is confused as to why an ordinary man like him can be lifted up and valued so greatly. He is manipulative, he is not honorable, he is strong-minded.
Brutus: Although he is swayed by Cassius's opinion and the people actions, he does have love for Caesar. He values his country over anthing. He is smart, conflicted, pensive and cautious.