The answer is C, take my word for it.
Explanation:It restricted trade to only England. They in fact passed the act so the colonies would only trade with their mother country(England).
The ornate vegetal forms and two-dimensional figural representations in Jahangir Preferring Sufi Shaikh to Kings are associated with Persian influence
Answer: Option C
The painting Jahangir Preferring Sufi Sheikh to Kings depicts Jahangir's opinion of the fact that Sufi is above the kings. The painting basically depicts the beginning of a new millennium and the emperor blessing the new millennium.
The Persian influence can be seen in this painting because the painting is feature rich and portrays a complex scene that can attract the attention of the viewers for hours. Persian paintings are supposed to be two-dimensional as is shown in the figurines in the paintings. The ornate vegetable forms are also important aspect of the Persian paintings.
In agreement with the Declaration of the Human Rights, drafted at the very beginning of the French Revolution, slavery was abolished in the French colonies overseas. For some strange reason Napoleon Bonaparte revoked that decree in 1802 during the Consulate, which resulted in the slave revolt of Haiti and ensuing independence in 1803.
I believe it summarizes the main ideas of this essay