Mostly I spent my weekend by pursuing my passion for writing and painting, and spending my time with family at home.
Weekend is something which everyone look forward to. School kids would count days and gets excited on Friday as they will not have to go to school the next morning. For them, weekend means waking up late in the morning, playing, and enjoying.
But for me, I really look forward to weekend, after spending five days at work. I wake up early on weekend as well, to meditate and spend sometime to talk to God. Then I spend morning time helping my mother in household chores, helping her in preparing breakfast, and have conversation with my family while having breakfast. After all the work gets done, I would read books, and then write a blog about any concerned topic that would come to my mind. In evening I usually spend some time for my passion, which is painting. Then watch TV with family while having dinner.
As an action verb because its an action
One day there was a kid named jerry. he was one of the bad kids. now it was the end of the day so the teacher decided to play a game. well mrs. mollie said its round, and red. jerry raised his hand and laughed ofc the teacher picked jim and he guessed a red ball. it was an apple but the teacher said i like how ya think and threw the apple to him. well jerry was gonna guess apple so he got mad so then she said its the shape of a cylinder, and its hairy. well jerry did the same thing again. well whoever got it right said it was a comb. it was a hairbrush but again she said i like how ya think. and jerry was furious so said: "ITS ROUND AND HAS A HEAD" mrs. mollie said to go to the principles office. jerry replied: "` a quarter but i like how ya think.
sorry its so long xd
pretended she was crazy and got herself committed, all to help improve conditions in a New York City mental institution.
“The insane asylum on Blackwell’s Island is a human rat-trap. It is easy to get in, but once there it is impossible to get out.”
Those words, describing New York City’s most notorious mental institution, were written by journalist Nellie Bly in 1887. It was no mere armchair observation, because Bly got herself committed to Blackwell’s and wrote a shocking exposé called Ten Days In A Madhouse. The series of articles became a best-selling book, launching Bly’s career as a world-famous investigative reporter and also helping bring reform to the asylum.
In the late 1880s, New York newspapers were full of chilling tales about brutality and patient abuse at the city’s various mental institutions. Into the fray came the plucky 23-year Nellie Bly (born Elizabeth Cochrane, she renamed
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