It could be said that Tan's essay might be a “compare/ contrast” one, because it is presented as a comparison of the English language. She exposes his ideas and provides examples of them , personal experiences and she gives a definition of “mother tongue” and she resorts to his mother to provide a clear example of this topic.The she provides more examples to illustrate her point. It could be said that the text is divided into 3 parts: part 1 presents some situations about different styles of English. Part 2 addresses to her mother limitations with the language and the last part, n°3 focuses on her and how she wrote her stories.
Servant to servants is a poem of a woman who speaks of her daily ordeals in that poem, who is very tired of her life.
A Servant of Servants by Robert Frost is a sonnet which tells the story of a lady who recounts her day by day experiences to a guest who is exploring nature out close to her home.
She goes through her day cooking and cleaning after the numerous men in her home and is drained from the work.
Eurohydrosis? Its used to cool itself down that I know. And it absorbs the evaporated urine back through its skin.
D) Oxymoron
It is a direct conflict of itself. Thunder is loud and silence is quiet put them together and you get an oxymoron.