The lowest level of thinking skills is remembering, and the highest is creating. To envision that, let’s compare reciting the Pledge of Allegiance (remember level) to composing meaningful lyrics to add to it (create level). You would invest quite a bit of effort when learning and remembering the pledge. But you would eventually commit it to memory so that reciting it would be easy. Composing lyrics, on the other hand, would always require the same high level of thought because you’re creating something new each time you compose. If you are asked to organize a number of CDs by the artist’ name, you would naturally employ thinking at the level of understanding. Thinking at the level of understanding for this task allows you to first recognize you must use the alphabet to place the CDs in order. Second, you will use your ability to compare artist names to determine where they will be placed in relation to all other CDs. Critical thinking is the process of questioning assumptions and exploring possibilities. Critical thinking is necessary when you judge, evaluate, or compare a topic as long as you do so in a reasonable and reflective way.
This answer only includes 1:remember 2:understand 5:evaluate and 6:create
Personification for death.....maybe"death grasps you into its cold, dreary hands"?
The ability to respect others is a skill that will help your child forever. Children can learn that people are more alike than different, and that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and kindness. ... They learn from the words they hear and what they see.
Respecting differences makes us stronger...
The ending of the story changes as follows:
<em> Before he could get into the car, a loud thud reverberates off his head. One of the people in the crowd had successfully aimed a block of wood, 3 inch on both sides, to the back of his head. There was no use turning to check who the culprit was. The pain was begining to set in. Smitty half entered and half jumped into the car as the Sheriff on cue depressed the accelerator almost sending Smitty out the car again. As the car broke inertia, it threw Smitty with a strong jolt into the car. He almost hit his head on the dashboard but braced himself with his right hand.</em>
<em>The door oscillated rapidly and widly about three times before Smitty caught it and slammed it shut.</em>
<em>The car roared away raising a lot of dust as it sped off with the crowd pursuing behind them.</em>
trying to go before I start my paragraphs I make sure I have all my evidence in my reasons to why I picked it