Celiac disease can cause inflammation in the digestive tract, which may result in bloating as well as many other adverse digestive issues.
One study of 1,032 adults with celiac disease found that bloating was one of the most common symptoms.
Good sources of dietary fiber including fruits vegetables, legumes and whole grains are highly recommended when one has constipation. Therefore; For constipation; i would recommend legumes such as beans, peas, and Lentils; Vegetables including Brococoli, spinach, The whole grains such as oatmeal, chia seeds, or flaxseeds, fruits such as berries, pears, apples and dried fruits.
<u>Las 2 semejanzas son</u>...
que son tecnicas de conservacion de los alimentos usando calor
teienen el fin de destruir patogenos y sus esporas
<u>Las 3 diferencias son...</u>
En la pasteurizacion se calienta un alimento a 72ºC de 15 a 20 segundos
En la esterilizacion se calienta a temperaturas superiores a 100ºC por mas tiempo
En la esterilizacion son comidas mas diversas como carnes, pescados, etc...
Proteins and nucleic acids
Because they make up the capsid and core of the virus
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