a third country can have the same tariff reductions that the U.S. negotiates with another country
A written order issued by a court of instructing a law enforcement official, such as a sheriff or a tax collector, to perform a certain task.
long periods of time occur in between and important events may happen during these times
The principle of Constitutionalism.
The English Bill of Rights, 1689 was a series of acts signed by William III and Mary II into law after King James II was overthrown from the crown. The Bill established a constitutional monarchy in England where the king and queen ruled under the aegis of the parliament.
The above quote represents the principle of Constitutionalism as it presents the idea that final authority should be in the hands of the citizens. No person, regardless of possession or power, could be above the law and constitution.
In this case, the king or queen shall have limited powers and would only have nominal powers. It states that no power or authority can be imposed without the consent of the parliament. Thus, making the constitution most powerful entity in the country.