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Try to give compliments to people and spread awarness about problms going on around you
The Amazing Mosque of Paris is the story of the Muslim community of Paris during the Nazi occupation of World War II and their endeavors to rescue Jews. The mosque constructed in 1926 had space for a community center, library, restaurant, clinic and apartments for the functionaries. It was built upon a maze of subterranean tunnels and rooms, ranges that had been excavated for building stones for the city of Paris. These underground passages and catacombs served as hiding places and elude courses for those hunted by the French police and Gestapo. The rescue and elude of Jews was beneath the leadership of the Rector, Si Kaddour Benghabrit, a sophisticated Algerianborn diplomat, who was considered the foremost powerful Muslim in France at the time. The clerics provided sanctuary, certificates of Muslim identity and secure passage for those who looked for their offer assistance. This well written, concise history is upgraded by the beautiful dou
Emeralds are very beautiful and quite expansive. which means one of two things they are a high demand or they are hard to get