Gender determines physical strength, fertility, and decides which stereotypes you're going to face.
The most important quality a person can potray is kindness . Seeing someone smiling gives me happiness and blessings . We all should learn to find happiness in even the simplest stupid things and occourreces in our life .
Ways to Be the Kindest, Gentlest You
Learn to reserve judgment, and keep an open mind. Give up what you thought you once knew so well. ...
Give people a chance to talk. ...
Being kind means being honest. ...
Be selfless. ...
Turn your attention away from yourself, and highlight the beautiful qualities in another.
We shouldn't have to. It should be optional
The first reason is the students need a break if we do too much school work it will cause a lot of stress. Another reason is the teachers need a break from teaching to spend time with their families and grade papers.
Romeo loves dreams but he thinks it better to turn them into reality.