The Phoenicians did not have the resources needed to support an empire and preferred to focus on colonization.
- The Phoenicians founded colonies in all parts of the Mediterranean sea. They were the first to pass through Gibraltar (pillars of Hercules).
- They had ships made of cedar wood
- They founded new colonies on these sea routes, the most famous of which was Carthage (which means -New Castle) in 814 B.C.
- They jealously guarded the secret of maritime travel & told other nations on these roads that there were dragons that swallowed sailors
Greek Tyrants
In 404 BCE, following the defeat of the Athenian military forces in Sicily, there was an oligarchy of 'the Thirty Tyrants' in Athens which was a particularly brutal regime, noted for its summary executions. Megara and Thebes were other states which had an oligarchic system.
Mengaplikasikan ilmu sejarah dalam kehidupan seharian
The mighty Sahara desert is to the west of the Nile it is famous for getting up to 120degrees and down to 40 at night time