Non Democratic Governments and Extreme Gaps
species that lives st the high elevations.
- As the most severe impact of the global warming and the climate changes take place the species that have adapted to living in the mountainous habitats and those living near the coastal low lands will be most affected as the variation in the means temperatures will lead to destruction of there habitats and thus needs to be concerned about form s conservation standpoint.
Both tundra and deserts receive very little precipitation, and it can even happen that some places in a tundra receive more precipitation than some places in a desert! As a result the plants in both tundra and a desert have a waxy coating on leaves. - The correct answer is c.
Green house effect and human activity.
-The green house effect: Some gases in the atmosphere trap the heat and doesn't allow it to scape making the Earth warmer.
-Human activity: The industrial activities have increased the carbon dioxic levels that have contributed to the higher temperatures. Also, deforestation, fluorinated gases and fertilisers containing nitrogen have contributed to climate change.