Answer: (d) I like trying new activities; therefore, I'm looking forward to learning to snowboard.
Explanation: a conjunctions is a word that joins or connects sentences or phrases, the word "therefore" is an adverb that acts like a conjunction (a conjunctive adverb). When we use words like "therefore", "however", "moreover" etc, to connect to independent clauses, we need to put a semicolon before those words, and a comma after: "I like trying new activities; therefore, I'm looking forward to learning to snowboard.
"April/Comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers.”
personification= giving human characteristics to something nonhuman, the other two are not examples of it
What is the questions and yes I have read the story. I'm just confused on what you are asking.
The clause <em>who bought the coat </em>is used as an adjective subordinate clause because it modifies the noun <em>the man.
</em>What man forgot his umbrella? (The one) who bought the coat.<em>
The correct answer is D. It is not a strong example of paraphrasing. It just rearranges the original words in a new order.
In writing, paraphrasing implies using the ideas of an external source and author and expressing them by using your own words, because of this a strong paraphrasing would change the language used but keep the essence and main points of the original ideas. In the excerpt presented, the author tried to paraphrase a passage that describes cone snails. However, in the passage paraphrased the author uses the same terms and words than in the original passage which means he or she is not expressing the ideas of the original passage with his or her own words but only changing the order of ideas the text and therefore this is not a strong paraphrasing and can even be considered a plagiarism as the same words and ideas are being used. Therefore, this text can be described as "It is not a strong example of paraphrasing. It just rearranges the original words in a new order".