In general cells that need more energy, since mithocondria are responsible for making and processing ATP.
Common examples of cells with many mithocondria are muscle cells that are in current activity all the time, specially heart muscles and muslces in the respiratory system such as the diafragma since the heart beats all the time, non-stop, that is, unless you die of course and so do the muslces needed to breath.
Hope it helped,
1. Mechanical weathering breaks rocks into smaller pieces without changing their composition
2. Ice calving/glacier calving/iceberg calving
3. Physical weathering
Salary per Week: $4,800 (assuming they work 5 days a week and make $40 per hour)
Salary per Month: $29,760 (assuming they work 5 days for a solid month)
Salary per Year: $67,300 - $130,330
Viruses are not alive. Although they sort of “hack” a host’s cells and reproduce, they do not breathe or move on their own. A virus will sit on a counter forever if it’s untouched. Viruses are spread by physical contact, not because they can move around on their own.
Although viruses can attack and hack, and use your cells to reproduce, they are programmed to do so.
Cells are very much alive, while viruses are not.
A response from the amigdala. The reason for this is that when the medulla starts signalling brain regions that are in upper parts, especially the amigdala, this then triggers the fear response (amigdala is responsible for this) which in turn alerts us on a conscious level that we should leave this room for example and go to somewhere where more oxygen is present.