The central nervous system
- consists of the brain and spinal cord-
- processes information from sensory organ
The peripheral nervous system
- collects information from sensory organs
- consists of the nerves outside the brain and spinal cord
Further Explanation:
The nervous system is subdivided into; the central nervous system (CNS), which includes the brain and spinal cord, within the vertebral column; and the peripheral nervous system, which includes nerves that branch into the rest of the body from the brain and spinal cord. Nervous tissue responds to electrical impulses, allowing for communication between different regions of the body.
The peripheral nervous system is further divided into the somatic nervous system responsible for carrying out sensory and motor information between the peripheral nervous system- including sensory organs like the eyes; and central nervous system; and the autonomic nervous system which regulates involuntary bodily functions like heartbeat, breathing and blood flow. The ANS is mainly acts unconsciously and affects smooth muscle and internal organs. It is related to homeostasis- where the body maintains a constant internal balance in pH, temperature, blood pressure etc.
Somatosensory pathways contain primary, secondary, and tertiary neurons which are capable of processing information about vibration, touch, temperature, and pain- information is passed on after receiving stimuli from the body's internal or skin receptors. Thus the precision is greater in the lips and fingers (directly involved in tactile interactions with stimuli) than on the back.
Learn more about the autonomic nervous system at brainly.com/question/10386413
Learn more about homeostasis at brainly.com/question/1601808