The Answer to question number two is the sun
The 2 types of bone markings being identified would be the opening on the occipitomastoid suture in which the internal jugular veins would travel to carry the blood from one's brain to the heart and the Mandibular condyle of the mandible that would then form the temporomandibular joint.
Is the benefit worth the cost?
Environmental policies application has to lead to some economic cost.
When coming up with this policies, the effect that this policies shall have towards environmental protection shall be considered.
The cost and economic effect that this policies shall cause should also be looked at.
If a policy causes insignificant change towards environmental protection and at the same time the costs are too high, then the policy should be dropped.
If a policy has got significant impact and costs less, the it should be taken.
Epinephrine, also known as Adrenaline
Adrenaline impacts short-term mood and can take seconds to flood your system.
*it may also be cortisol, I'm not sure if there's more context. Cortisol takes longer to work and can have long-term effects.
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