When Lincoln died, the nation was thrown into trying to rebuild from the civil war, multiple slavery sympathizers got government positions so they introduced new stuff that was like slavery but not directly linked to it. Some of those systems still stand today, it’s sad. GOD BLESS AMERICA
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Tactical thinking.
I think tactical thinking because he always thought of a plan before a fight/war and always came up on top.
B. Cultural practiced of language and religion changed.
Assuming this is in regards to the Aryans and the Indus Valley civilizations. Aryans introduced early Hindu ideas and writings, as well as developed the earliest forms of Sanskrit.
Erikson classified preschool children as being in the stage of Initiative vs Guilt
Erik Erikson was a German psychoanalyst and theorist who developed a theory by means of which the different stages of the psychological development of people are described, and the problems that are developing in each one of them.
Thus, for preschool children (under 6 years old), Erikson determined that their stage is characterized by the clash between initiative and guilt, understanding both concepts as the will to take actions and explore the outside world, and guilt or the fear of failing, doing the wrong thing, or harming someone. Thus, Erikson details that at this stage, the person leaves his family nucleus to relate to the outside world, exploring it and beginning to understand his freedoms, his abilities and the consequences of his actions, as well as personally interacting with other people by outside his family.