<em>debit</em><em> card</em><em /><em /><em> </em><em>I </em><em>thi</em><em>nk</em><em> </em><em>so</em><em> </em><em>only</em><em> </em><em>o</em><em>ne</em>
SATCOM in the Ku- and Ka- bands, as well as EHF systems are adversely affected by rain (the higher the frequency, the greater the effect) because one of the factors that affects availability in a satellites is rain. Higher frequencies in Ka-band (30/20 GHz), rain can have a very large effect that simply cannot be overcome at the usual levels of availability.
Rain reduces the quality of signals by interfering with the signals thereby, reducing their strength and quality.
Therefore Rain can not only degrade a satellite's signal, it can also cause a complete outage of the satellite's.
The items that may cause to interfere a wireless connection causing a delay then in homework or assignment submission would then be large metals such as c. microwave ovens. Hope this answer would then be of big help to you.
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We can get stress injuries in the workplace, and the study of the stress injuries at workplaces is a very important branch of scientific study currently, and all companies from all the fields are working on it, and so are the academic and research institutions. And this branch has gained heights in the past 10 years as companies want to increase worker productivity as well as bring down the downtime as well as various injury claims related to the job. And we know this branch as "ergonomics".