Warm Colors:
- <em>Red</em> flowers
- Oranges
Cool Colors:
- <em>Blue </em>skies
- <em>Purple</em> butterflies
Neutral Colors:
- <em>Brown</em> wood
- <em>White</em> birds
Reds, oranges, and yellows are considered warm, and greens, teals, blues, and purples are considered cool. Colors such as white, black, brown, or gray are all neutral.
Numeric Keypad is the answer
import random
a = random.randint(1,10)
b = random.randint(1,10)
answer = a * b
print(str(b)+" * "+str(a)+" = "+str(answer))
Explanation: So I am guessing you are on Edhesive Module 2.5 Intro to cs. Sorry it took so long but hopefully this works.
It usually takes about 45 minutes.