First off, I'm not writing your essay. I will give you a guide and you can take it from there. Also, I don't know any context about the question.
- Computer applications can handle input and output at a significant rate.
- Computers were designed to handle mathematical operations and now at today's rate a single 2+2 can spit out a answer in 64 nanoseconds.
number = 547
nums = {1:"one", 2:"two",3:"three",4:"four",5:"five",6:"six",7:"seven",8:"eight",9:"nine"}
print("The last digit of",number,"is",nums[number%10])
I wrote my code in python 3.8. I hope this helps.
Answer explained below
Given: The information provided is given as follows:
- There is a small veterinary practice which includes the services like office visits, surgery, hospitalization and boarding.
- The clinic only has a small LAN, four computers and internet access.
- The clinic only accepts cats and dogs.
- Hurricanes are the major threatening factor in the geographical region where the clinic is located.
- The clinic is established in a one-story building with no windows and meet all the codes related to hurricanes.
- As public shelters do not allow animals to stay when there is a possibility of hurricanes, therefore the clinic does not accept animals for boarding during that time
Contingency planning documents for the tasks given is as follows:
- Threat category along with their business impact:
- Hurricane: It is given that the region where the clinic is located is highly threatened by hurricanes. This type of disaster can affect the life of the employees as well as patients present in the building. Also, in case of a strong hurricane, the building can also be damaged.
- Preventive measures: Separate shelters can be installed for animals in case of emergency.
- Fire: In case of fire due to malfunctioning of any electrical equipment or any other reason, there is no window or emergency exit available. It can damage the building and the life of the employees and animals will be in danger.
- Preventive measures: Services should be provided to all the electrical equipment’s from time to time and emergency exits should be constructed so that there is a way to get out of the building in case the main entrance is blocked due to any reason in the time of emergency.
- Viral Influenza: If an employee or animal is suffering from any serious viral disease. That viral infection can easily spread to others and make other animals as well as employees sick. If the employees working in the clinic are sick. This will highly affect the efficiency of them which will then affect the business.
- Preventive measures: This can be avoided by giving necessary vaccines to the employees from time to time and taking care of the hygiene of the patient as well as the clinic which will make the chance of infection to spread low.
- Flood: In case of a flood like situation, as given the building has only one story and there is no emergency exit for employees and animals to escape. This can put the life of the employees and animals in danger and can affect the working of the clinic as well.
- Preventive measures: This can be prevented by collecting funds and increasing the story’s in the building or constructing alternate site location so that in case of emergency, the animals or employees can be shifted to other locations.
Both are touchscreen.
Tablets are seen more as an entertainment device (tv, games, etc.).
Phones are smaller, and used more for everything; you can take phones anywhere you go, whereas tablets are more difficult to transport.