Overall Inflation
In order to compare prices of any good at two different years, you should always adjust for overall inflation. Inflation is the overall increase in value of goods over a period, which means that a unit of currency buys less goods at the current year than it did at the previous year.
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that the best source of information for this scenario would be a website. Any website that provides information regarding the specs and abilities of the cameras that you are considering purchasing would provide the most helpful information in your decision buying process.
A transfer price normally is used to determine the cost to charge another division, subsidiary, or holding company for services rendered. It is said that transfer prices are priced based on the going market price for that good or service. Transfer pricing can also be applied to intellectual property such as research, patents, and royalties.
However, companies at times can also use (or misuse) this practice by altering their taxable income, thus reducing their overall taxes. The transfer pricing mechanism is a way that companies can shift tax liabilities to low-cost tax jurisdictions.
Because they are most likely a professional and have knowledge of the specific activity from either college or doing it Him/Herself what they're doing when it comes to the aspect in which they are teaching training etc.Therefore they charge extra from prior knowledge of the activity.
<em><u>This often includes inclusive networking, interpersonal organizing, listening, reflexivity, non-violent communication, cooperation, mutual aid and social care, prefiguration, popular education, and direct democracy.</u></em>