Super key is a set of attributes that uniquely identifies all attributes in a relation.Super keys are more than candidate key.
For example in the given schema where
Customer: (id , name , street , city,state,zip,phone)
We have a relation we check super keys by following dependencies
Functional Dependencies Super Key
id YES
name YES
id , name -> street , city,state,zip,phone YES
id , street ->name , city,state,zip,phone YES
id,city ->name , street ,state,zip,phone YES
id,state ->name , street ,city,zip,phone YES
id,phone ->name , street ,state,zip,city YES
id , name , street YES
id , name , street , city YES
id , name , street , city,state YES
id , name , street , city,state,zip,phone YES
All these are uniquely identified
All these are super key but in reverse they are not super key such as
street , city,state,zip,phone->id , name No