The author's purpose in this passage is to inform. The author is informing the reader on how Elizabethans would typically store their food. It goes into details of differences between food types and some options for storing food and getting nourishment in summer and winter.
step 1- Primaries and caucuses
basically letting the states choose the major political parties' nominees for the general election
Step 2- National conventions
many rounds of conventions while the balloting continues until one receives the majority and then during the convention the presidential nominee announces their selection of a vise president
Step 3- Electoral college
the electoral college is where the president and vise president are chosen by electors because they are not elected directly by the citizens
Step 4- Inauguration Day
This is where the president and vise president are sworn in and take office
I got this all off of the presidential election process
Follow you on what? I need a answer to this lol
First of all iambic pentameter is lyrical in nature and flows very easily making it easy to remember also its was a convention at the time within poetry (see Shakespear's sonnets) as well as plays. it is also less awkward then basis prose and sounds better this why many rap artist use this system today, remembering that Shakespeare in his day was not particularly highbrow it makes sense why he chose to use iambic pentameter.