form one's features into a pleased, kind, or amused expression, typically with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed.
Spider-mans, dog is very smart. He doesn't understand mirrors, however and barks at his reflection.
comma instead
The lines and phrases in the excerpt that suggest that redemption and danation are predestined and cannot be changed by human choice The reward of sin is death: that's hard.
"I wandered lonely as a cloud
" is the line that refkects personal reflection.
When a poem reflects or expresses the careful thoughts, behavior and beliefs of the person, they are self-reflection poems. They express real emotions of the author. In the poem "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
" by "William Wordsworth", he uses the following line which shows personal reflection:
I wandered lonely as a cloud
In this line the poet describes himself as lonely who is wandering around. Cloud is usually up in the sky moving around without anyone around it. Similarly, speaker is using a metaphor to describe speaker who is lonely and wandering, moving without purpose and no direction.
C imagination. The reader needs a good imagination to imagine the picture your painting for them.