"In the Declaration there are three references to God, and each one is different. In one reference, Jefferson uses the term "Nature's God." Later, he uses "Creator" and lastly "Divine Providence." Many scholars have debated on how to interpret his use of these terms. Some disagree about how church and state were viewed during the founding of our nation. One fact is for sure. The authors of the Declaration were very aware of different religious beliefs, including those of Christian, Jewish, and Muslim, and American Indian belief systems.".
People revolted and set up a new government, the second republic.
1.Athenian democracy developed around the sixth century BC in the Greek city-state (known as a polis) of Athens, comprising the city of Athens and the surrounding territory of Attica. Athenian democracy is often described as the first known democracy in the world.
2.Ancient Athens had direct democracy because people of Athens were directly bringing decision in the country, through political bodies they have established. The most important one was Assembly (Ecclesia).
3.Socialism didn't exist back then. Dictators would be thrown out through the process of Ostracism. Last monarch in Athens in Codro was removed from his position.
4.The political system of ancient Athens differs from the political system of the US today in that Ancient Athens had a direct democracy, while the United States has a representative democracy. In a direct democracy every citizen votes on every decision that is made, while in a representative democracy every citizen votes to elect public officers, that will represent them in making decisions on how to run the country.
5.During the Golden Age of Athens a tribute was a tax paid to the empire. The word continued to be used, for instance in Latin America most people needed to pay a tribute to the Spanish crown.
Because they were running low on food and they on that ship for days