Geographic isolation could be caused by a number of environmental factors. If a population of people or species live on an island, amongst mountains, in difficult to navigate terrain, or deep into rainforest or forests generally these groups could experience geographic isolation. Geographic largely occurs if a population or group of people or animals live in a remote region of the world that has little access to others due to any number of geographic features.
That is false. The Coureur de Bois gained wealth from their fur trading activities.
It Abolishing
Explanation: in this the of reinforcement, there is a decline in the reinforcing efficiency of a an object, stimulus, and even an event as a result of a motivating operation. Food ingestion decline (abolishes) the reinforcing food efficiency or food effectiveness.
Motivation operation are simply defined as those factors (behavior) that promote or behind a behavior that is being displayed. They usually influenced a behavior in a positive or negative way. An abolishing operations always have an effect on the reinforcer value by decreasing it example is Jane was thirsty and went to the fridge and pour herself orange juice and then she drank it after drinking it, the value or degree of thirst of the reinforcer decrease drastically or slowly.
<span> It refers to five Native American nations—the </span>Cherokee<span>, Chickasaw, </span>Choctaw<span>, Creek (Muscogee), and </span>Seminole<span>.</span>