In the circular flow model, the market economy creates continuous, repetitive flows of goods and services, resources and money. In this model, households spend income in the product market. According to the circular flow model, households buy the goods and services that businesses make available in the product market. Moreover, In the circular flow model, businesses will buy resources from and sell products to households and other businesses. In this way: The function of businesses in the circular flow model is purchase resources and sell products.
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An individual with internal locus of control generally believes that the success or failures they achieve are the result of their own action and is controlled by their own thoughts and factors. While persons with external locus of control focuses on the external factors and they believe the results of their actions are control by external factors such as luck, bias, fate, etc.
Such people feel depressed more often and they are less likely to delay satisfaction or gratitude.
Foreigners and immigrants.
"It means Emperor of Rome who stopped the persecution of Christians and in 324 made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire; in 330 he moved his capital from Rome to Byzantium and renamed it Constantinople"