Shows the programming checking if num1 is greater than num2
So num1 and num2 are inputs
for you to code this you would need to put
num1=int(input("What is your first number? ))
and the same for num2 except change num1 for num 2 and first for second
When the input is completed, the computer will check if num 1 is greater than num2
it will do this by using a code something like:
if num1>num2:
Print("Your first input was greater than your second")
But in this example if it greater it just ends
But if it was less than you would put
if num1>num2:
Print("Your first input was greater than your second")
elif num1<num2:
Print("Your first input is less than your second")
So basically this code shows the computer checking if one number is greater than the other or not
Main Memory (RAM)
This is the memory which is directly accessible to the CPU. It can be called Main Memory, Prime Memory or simply 'Memory'
Causes of Stress
Being unhappy in your job.
Having a heavy workload or too much responsibility.
Working long hours.
Having poor management, unclear expectations of your work, or no say in the decision-making process.
Working under dangerous conditions.
Being insecure about your chance for advancement or risk of termination.
Boolean is one of the primitive data types that will only hold either true or false value. This data type is commonly used in a variable that will track a status with only two possible outcomes.
For example, the<em> ParticipantPD</em> field is to track the payment status (paid or unpaid) of a participant. So, declare the<em> ParticipantPD</em> field as boolean data type will meet its purpose.
boolean ParticipantPD = true;
boolean ParticipantPD = false;