My opinion a background check and take another friend with you.
IP address and subnet mask.
The two components which are configured via software in order for a personal computer (PC) to participate in a network environment are;
I. IP address: it is an acronym for internet protocol address and can be defined as a unique number assigned to a computer or other network devices, so as to differentiate each device from one another in an active network system. Thus, an IP address is typically used to uniquely identify each computer or network devices connected to the internet or network.
In Computer networking, IP address are classified into two (2) main categories and these are; Local (internal) IP address and Global (external) IP address.
Also, the internet protocol (IP) address comprises of two (2) versions and these are; Internet protocol version 4 (IPv4) and Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6). An example of an IPv4 address is
II. Subnet mask: this is a logical segmentation or subdivision of an internet protocol (IP) network so as to accommodate more hosts (computer systems). An example of a subnet mask is
Task 1:
float75 = float(75)
string75 = "75"
# you cannot add together a number and a string because a string has no inherent numerical value like a number does.
Task 2:
num = float(input("Enter a number"))
Task 3:
num = int(input("Enter an integer: "))
print("When you divide "+str(num)+" by 7, the quotient is "+str(num//7)+" and the remainder is "+str(num%7)+".")
Task 4:
gigs = int(input("How many gigabytes does your flashdrive hold? "))
print("A flashdrive with "+str(gigs)+ " gigabyte(s) holds "+str(gigs*8589934592)+" bit(s).")
For task 4, you might have to change the number 8589934592 to something else. I'm not entirely sure how many bits are in a gigabyte. I hope this helps though.
Answer:controlling a situation by making things happen or by preparing for possible future problems
False False true
Hope it helps