Meanwhile, Sir Mordred<span> had found </span>Arthur<span>, his father, and told him what had happened. .... King </span>Arthur<span>soon fell ill over the conflict </span>between<span> Gawaine and Launcelot, ... incestuous </span>relationship<span> and because he attempted to marry his father's wife.</span>
The Gospel Wealth is <span>An essay written by Andrew Carnegie in 1889 that described the responsibility of philanthropy by the new upper class of self-made rich. The central thesis of Carnegie's essay was the peril of allowing large sums of money to be passed into the hands of persons or organizations ill-equipped mentally or emotionally to cope with them. As a result, the wealthy entrepreneur must assume the responsibility of distributing his fortune in a way that it will be put to good use, and not wasted on frivolous expenditure. The very existence of poverty in a capitalistic society could be negated by wealthy philanthropic businessmen and women.
Carnegie said
</span><span>No charity because it would create dependency - Carnegie</span>
A and C
Both of those wars impacted the Latin American war. I would say choose those both if it will let you.
role played by women in south Africa against the violation of human rights from the 1950sto1960s
Changed the way people thought about their relationship with the God. A religious revival.
In the 1700s, a European philosophical movement, called the Enlightenment, swept America. Also called the Age of Reason, this era laid the foundation for a scientific, rather than religious, worldview. Freedom of conscience was at the heart of this struggle against old regimes and old ways of thinking, and it changed the way people viewed authority. In the same way, a religious revival, called the Great Awakening, changed the way people thought about their relationship with the divine, with themselves and with other people. The Enlightenment engaged the mind, but the Great Awakening engaged the heart.