The Epic of Gilgamesh is a epic from Mesopotamia. The Hebrew Bible is a Jewish Blible. Gilgamesh was based off of the great king of Ur who went on a journey to find immortality but learned that death is unescaple and the Hebrew Bible is the teachings of the Ten Commandments, Hebrews, and the Israelites.
I just finished both assignments.
The answer is subconscious. It is because our subconscious is the part of the mind in every individual in which a person is not fully aware of all the things around him or her but in a way these influences other people without knowing it and the defense mechanism are the one responsible for protecting an individual in things that may affect the person without knowing it such as his or her feelings.
Indeed, Douglass knew, as he argued so ardently in his famed 1852 July Fourth speech, that for democracy to thrive, the nation's conscience must be roused, its propriety startled and its hypocrisy exposed. Not once, but continually and for the good of the nation, he argued, we must bring the “thunder.”Feb 10, 2018
This is the site I got the info from:
Why Frederick Douglass Matters - HISTORY › frederick-douglass-bicentennial
yes, it is.
War is inevitable due to the fact that history of humanity is filled with wars and these wars continue even in modern times.
What matters to Amadou is the number of cacao pods he and his younger brother, Seydou, can chop down in a day. The boys wanted to make money to help their impoverished family. It helps Amadou to become determined in doing so because the higher they can make, the closer they are to paying off their debt and returning home.