The aim of the remainder of the Crusades in the 13th century was to combat anyone considered an enemy of the Christians.
The goal of Albigensian Crusade(1208-1229), was to eliminate the Cathars sect in southern France. Another Crusade, The Baltic(1211-1225), had the same objective but with the pagans in Transylvania.
In 1216 the Crusades attacked Egypt but were defeated by the Muslims in 1221. The Muslims were commanded by Al-Malik al Kamil.
According to current research, if you were to make and hold the facial expression associated with surprise for about 10 seconds, your body would begin to produce arousal that would be unique to that emotion.
Studies by psychologists have shown that facial expressions have the (limited) power to affect one's mood. If a person smiles, which is a common expression of someone who is feeling happy, happiness can be elicited. Of course, if a person is going through a difficult moment, such as the loss of a relative, simply forcing a smile won't make that person stop mourning. Still, the studies prove that mood can be influenced by facial expressions.
A certain university study had participants obey to commands. They weren't told which feeling they were supposed to be triggering. They obeyed commands such as "raise your eyebrows" or "open your eyes wide." What researchers found is that participants ended up feeling what that expression was associated to. Therefore, if the researcher command facial expressions related to fear, participants would feel fear even though they weren't aware of the expression being one of fear.
ठीक छ, मलाई लाग्छ कि त्यहाँ छ
Those rose gardens are important. Portland has been nicknamed the City of Roses since 1888, and it celebrates its local history with a Rose Festival every year. The oldest public rose garden in Portland—near where I grew up on the city’s northern peninsula—has been around since 1909, and its most famous, the International Rose Test Garden, has been operating for almost a century. In addition to growing roses from all over the world, it’s a site for free public concerts and—as I recall from my preschool days—adjacent to a really, really good playground. Credit given to: