<em>In research prediction, the critical region for a directional one-tailed test that uses a Z-score could tilt towards the right hand or the left hand.</em>
If the research shows that there was a stasistically significant change in the two factors compared (treatment would decrease scores), <em>the direction would tilt towards the left when a z-score statistics was used for the prediction.</em>
The amount of the energy in kilocalories that should be expended by a person should not be less than the amount of kcal present in the food that is eaten. In the problem given above, George should also be able to expend 750 kcal in order to process the food.
Draw or paint your emotions
create an emotion wheel
make a stress painting
put together a journal
making sock puppets
paint to music
make a scribble drawing
finger paint
make a mandala
create a collage of your worries