The judicial branch is the part of the U.S. government that interprets the law and administers justice. .
... The judicial branch of the U.S. government makes decisions — interpretations — of laws.
The oil fields would enable Germany to fuel their air forces, making them harder to defeat.
First published in 1890, Jacob Riis's remarkable study of the horrendous living conditions of the poor in New York City had an immediate and extraordinary impact on society, inspiring reforms that affected the lives of millions of people.
Jacob Riis was very concerned with the treatment that immigrants received when they came to America. He did a lot of research and reporting of the conditions that immigrants faced such as work issues and living conditions. He wanted to improve the living conditions that these individuals had and address working issues.
The book was successful. Soon after its publication, The New York Times lauded its content, calling it a "powerful book".
Because of this awakening caused by Riis' efforts, many reforms were quickly compiled to improve conditions for the working poor. In 1894, the Tenement House Committee was established. In 1895, they published the New York Tenement House Act, which outlawed rear tenements and also was the first official document to supplement a written description of tenement housing with photographs.
generate revenues to repay war debts, and solve trade disputes between states