The girl is a hot potato and it costed an arm and a leg
He dosen't, thats all he does.
He decides to walk to the duck pond in Central Park to see if the ducks are still around. Along the way, he becomes quite upset when he drops and breaks the record he had bought for Phoebe.
D. The beauty of the everyday and the importance of small rituals
Making a tee doesn't seem as much of a problem or a task that takes a big effort.
However, in this story, we see this old man passionately and carefully completing this everyday task. He carefully opens his teacups set, carefully calculates the amount of tea needed, peacefully waits for the water to boil, enjoys the smell of the tee and finally shares cup of tea with his wife enjoying in the time they spent together.
This process could've been done in a much faster pace, more hectically, doing something else simultaneously, and the result would've been the same - a cup of tea with his wife.
But, by showing us all these small rituals and careful preparation, this story conveys the importance of enjoying small, everyday things and helps us see the beauty in them.