Option A: print("The total is %0.5f" % total)
To ensure the value is rounded to a precision of 5 digits, we have to create a formatted string which is %0.5f. The <em>.5</em> denotes five decimal places and <em>f </em>refers to float data type.
Next, we use the <em>%</em> operator again and followed with the variable <em>total</em>. The % is used as a string modulo operator that will interpolate the value held by the the variable <em>total </em>in the formatted string that we create previously. The interpolated value will be rounded to 5 decimal places. For example, if
total = 256.786789
The output will be 256.78679
Execute this assignment from Scratch in the following way
1.For each thread, first Scratch sets the 'active thread' to that thread. Then, it executes each block one by one in the stack for the active thread. It will execute the entire stack all in one go if it can.
2.The Hide block is a Looks block and a Stack block. If the block's sprite is shown, it will hide the sprite — if the sprite is already hidden, nothing happens. This block is one of the simplest and most commonly used Looks blocks.
3.Scratch is used in many different settings: schools, museums, libraries, community centers, and homes.
4.Mitch Resnik, the creator of the super-simple Scratch programming language and head of the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab, gave a TEDx talk about the value of coding and computer literacy in early education.
Search key, a, s, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, : and ;, ¨ and ´, and the enter key.