A disk optimization program, but they're probably looking for defragmenting program.
Optical Character Recognition
Optical Character Recognition is a method that is used to read character and bar codes. They convert scanned image into digital format. In other words ASCII text can be formed when a digitized document is converted.OCR is a method that convert document into word.
Here are some OCR tools which convert digitized format into machine readable text.
- Microsoft Document
- Microsoft One Note
This is an easy answer sure in the back of your mind u knew it was b good luck :).
e(a) = 0
e(b) = 10
e(c) = 110
e(d) = 1110
The Worst case will happen when f(a) > 2*f(b) ; f(b) > 2*f(c) ; f(c) > 2*f(d) ; f(d) > 2*f(e) and f(e) > 2*f(f).
Where f(x) is frequency of character x.
Lets consider the scenario when
f(a) = 0.555, f(b) = 0.25, f(c) = 0.12, f(d) = 0.05, f(e) = 0.02 and f(f) = 0.005
Please see attachment for image showing the steps of construction of Huffman tree:- see attachment
From the Huffman tree created, we can see that endcoding e() of each character are as follows:-
e(a) = 0
e(b) = 10
e(c) = 110
e(d) = 1110
e(e) = 11110
e(f) = 11111
So we can see that maximum length of encoding is 5 in this case.